Home Tracking Irregular Hours

Tracking Irregular Hours

In HR Leave Hub, there are two types of Employee working hours, Fixed Hours and Irregular Hours. Fixed Hours are the standard working hours of an employee, while Irregular Hours are used when an Employee works different hours each week.

You can set up Irregular Hours for an Employee by editing their profile and selecting the Irregular Hours option.

Accounting for Irregular Hours

As supposed to Fixed Hours, Irregular Hours are not automatically accounted for in the HR Leave Hub system. This means that you will need to manually enter the hours worked by the Employee for each day they've worked. This can be done by visiting the Calendar section and selecting Add Time and filling the following details:

  • Employee
  • Date
  • Amount (in Hours and Minutes)
  • Notes (Optional)

Once you've added the time, it will be accounted for in the system, as well as be visible in the Calendar. Additionally, you can view the allocation and accrual in the Employees section.

If you want to edit and delete the time logs, you can do so by visiting the Calendar section and pressing any of the time logs. From there, you can edit or delete the time log (only if your Organisation role is Manager or Admin).

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