Home Managing your Employees

Managing your Employees

Within HR Leave Hub, Employees can have a single role, which is either Admin, Manager or Employee. The role of an Employee determines the level of access they have within the system.

Employee Roles


Admins have complete control over a given Organisation, they can create, edit and delete Employees, Leave Requests, Sick Logs and TOIL Logs. Admins can also manage the Organisation settings and subscription details.


Managers have control over the Employees within their team. They can create, edit and delete Leave Requests, Sick Logs and TOIL Logs for their team members. Additionally, they can invite or create new Employees in the Organisation.


Employees can only create, edit and cancel their own Leave Requests, Sick Logs and TOIL Logs. They do not have access to any other Employees' details and their Calendar is limited to their own Leave Requests and Work Logs.

Adding Employees

To add an Employee, you need to be logged in as an Admin or Manager. Then select one of the three roles in the sidebar.

  1. Click on the Employees, Managers or Admins tab in the sidebar.
  2. Pressing the Add button will bring a form where you can fill in the Employee's details.
  3. After filling in the details, check the box that confirms your action and then press the Save button to add the Employee to the Organisation.
  4. The Employee will receive an email with a link to set up their account.
  5. Once the Employee has set up their account, they will be able to log in and start using HR Leave Hub.

Managing Employees

For each Employee, you can see their contact details, start date, accrual, allocation, remaining and TOIl, as well as the respective actions you can take for each Employee (these include Viewing their Profile, Editing and deleting the Employee from the Organisation).

If you see a gray dot next to the Employee's name, this means that the Employee has not yet set up their account. You can optionally go into their profile and resend the invitation email.

Employee Working Hours

In the Employee's profile, you can set their working hours. This is used to calculate their allocation and accrual. There are two options for setting the working hours: Fixed Hours and Irregular Hours.

Fixed Hours

Fixed Hours are used when an Employee works the same hours every week. You can set the number of hours they work per day and this will automatically calculate the Employee's accrual and allocation.

Irregular Hours

Irregular Hours are used when an Employee works different hours each week. To account their accrual and allocation, you will need to manually input their work times logs in the Calendar. This will then calculate the Employee's accrual and allocation based on the hours worked.

💡 Note: TOIL uses a separate system for calculation. For more information: Tracking and Managing TOIL.

Deleting the Employee

Deleting an Employee will remove them from the Organisation. This action is irreversible and will delete all the Employee's data, such as Leave Requests, Sick Logs and TOIL Logs. If you are sure you want to delete the Employee, press "Yes, delete the employee.".

This will automatically remove the Employee from the Organisation as well as update your next billing amount.

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